This standard assists in the preparation and content of software quality assurance plans and provides a standard against which such plans can be prepared and assessed. Ieee recommended practice for software requirements specifications. Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans, iee std 730 1998. The role and activity of ansi accredited standards committee c63 emc and its relationship with international standards. Ieee standard for software configuration management. This standard was contributed to iso and is now replaced by isoiecieee 29148. In considering adoption of this standard, regulatory bodies should be aware that specific application of this standard may already be covered by one or more ieee or ansi standards documents relating. Ieee std 7301998, ieee standard for software quality assurance plans. Ieee and its members inspire a global community through ieee s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. In respective stages of software development the degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified requirements. Ieee std 730 1989 ieee standard for software quality assurance plans sponsor software engineering standards committee of the ieee computer society approved 25 june 1998 ieee sa standards board abstract. Ieee software quality assurance plans 2 6302008 3 targeted audiences 1. Guidance for creating software quality assurance plans this is the aim of prior ieee 730 versions and is included in this one d.
Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans this is a free 7 page sample. In considering adoption of this standard, regulatory bodies should be aware that specific application of this standard may already be covered by one or more ieee or ansi standards documents. Ieee 730 a standard for software quality assurance plans. This standard has legal liability as its basic rationale. As of 2018, it has more than 423,000 members in over 160 countries around the world. I am reading the software quality assurance ebook by claude y. The user needs the product to meet the requirements identified in the specification. As dened in the ieee standard for software quality assurance processes, ieee 730 2014, a function is a set of resources and activities that achieve a particular purpose iee 14.
Ieee 1044 a standard for the classification of software anomalies. Ieee and its members inspire a global community through ieees highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. Ansi ieee conferences, publications, and resources. Cannot afford a handsoff attitude cannot rely solely on a test to be executed at. Requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the. Ieee std7302002, ieee standard for software quality assurance plans, 23 september 2002 iso 9001. Uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for the preparation and content of software quality assurance plans sqaps are provided. Provides uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans. From ieee software engineering standards collection ieee std 730. Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans. Quality planning quality plan software quality management.
Ieee 7302002 ieee standard for software quality assurance. Ieee, pronounced eyetriplee, stands for the institute of electrical and electronics engineers. Requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the software quality assurance processes of a software development or. Software engineering guidelines for the application of iso dr. The institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee std 730 standard for software quality assurance plans 2 provides a well tested framework to work from. An overview of ieee software engineering standards and. Ieee 730 software quality assurance standard the qualiteers. The standard specifies the format and content of software quality assurance plans. Ieee std 7302002 ieee standard for software quality assurance plans.
Ieee std 730 ieee standard for software quality assurance plans. This standard is harmonized with the software life cycle process of isoiecieee 12207. Software quality assurance plan for the emd project. This standard applies to the development and maintenance of critical software. Ieee institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc. Requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the software quality assurance processes of a software development or maintenance project are established in this standard. Ieee std 8281998, ieee standard for software configuration management plans. The purpose of this standard is to provide uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans. The ieee standard for software quality assurance plans ieee std. Best, morris hein, and scott pattison that was published on 22dec2017 by ieee computer society press and what i can read there is. Requirements specifications ieee recommended practice. The existence of this standard should not be construed to prohibit additional content in a sqap. Ieee standard 730 sf q lisoftware quality assurance.
These practices are directed toward the development and maintenance of critical software, that is, where failure could impair safety or cause large financial losses. Gives the whole story for the software quality assurance tasks outlined in ieee 12207 software. In considering adoption of this standard, regulatory bodies should be aware that specific application of this standard may already be covered by one or more ieee or ansi standards documents relating to quality assurance, definitions, or. Gives guidance and establishes requirements for software quality assurance in a software project. Software development and quality assurance process standards. Requirements specifications ieee recommended practice for. Ieee 10441 a guide to the classification of software anomalies. The following editions for this book are also available. Cannot afford a handsoff attitude cannot rely solely on a test to be executed at the end of the software development time period.
Ieee std 730 1998, ieee standard for software quality assurance plans. The term nonfunctional, as applied to requirements, is deprecated and is not used in the institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee 730. Ieee std 730 730tm eee standards ieee standards software. Ieee 830 a guide for developing system requirements specifications. Requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the software quality assurance processes of a software development. Ieee std 7301989 ieee standard for software quality assurance plans sponsor software engineering standards committee of the ieee computer society approved 25 june 1998 ieeesa standards board abstract.
P730d9, nov 20 ieee draft standard for software quality assurance processes. Ieee std 730 has been a benchmark for software quality assurance sqa. We strictly followed the required table of contents and used. Approaches to good software quality assurance practices in support of ieee std 7301989, ieee standard for software quality assurance plans, are identified. The purpose of the ieee standard presented is to provide uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans sqaps. Festgelegte anforderungen established requirements. Ieee trial use standard for software quality assurance plans. Uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans sqaps are provided. Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans ieee. Mar 11, 2010 from ieee software engineering standards collection ieee std 730. As dened in the ieee standard for software quality assurance processes, ieee 7302014, a function is a set of resources and activities that achieve a particular purpose iee 14.
A standard for software life cycle processes and life cycle data. Ieee guide for software quality assurance planning, ieee std 730. This standard applies to the development of a software quality assurance plan sqap. A standard for software quality metrics and methodology. Pdf ieee standard for software quality assurance processes. Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans csiac. Provides minimum, uniform acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans. The nasa software assurance standard hereinafterreferred to as the standard supports npd 2820.
It may include ensuring conformance to one or more standards, such as iso 9000 or a model such as cmmi. This is accomplished by many and varied approaches. Software quality assurance sqa is a means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure proper quality. Gives the details for the software quality assurance tasks outlined in the ieee 12207 standard for software life cycle processes.
Ieee std 7301998 ieee standard for software quality assurance plans sponsor software engineering standards committee of the ieee computer society approved 12 september 2002 ieeesa standards board abstract. The ieee standard for software quality assurance processes 7302014 defines performance requirement as the measurable criterion that identifies a quality attribute of a function or how well a functional requirement must be accomplished ieee std 12202005 b27. It is directed toward the development and maintenance of critical software, that is, where failure could impact safety or cause large financial or social losses. A guide for developing system requirements specifications. For noncritical software, or for software that has already been developed, a subset of the requirements of this standard may be applied. Ieee standard for software quality assurance plans ieee std. Applies to the development and maintenance of critical software. This standard establishes requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the software quality assurance sqa processes of a software development or maintenance project. The very first published software engineering standard 1979. Ieee std 7302002 ieee standard for software quality.
Ieee std 730 standard for software quality assurance plans, first published in 1979 as a trialuse guide. Ieee std 7302002, ieee standard for quality assurance plans. The institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee having its corporate office in new york city and its operations center in piscataway, new jersey. A project quality plan describes the tailoring of an organisations quality management system for a particular project. Ieee standard 7302014 software quality assurance processes. This standard is harmonized with the software life cycle process of isoiec ieee 12207. The purpose of this standard is to provide uniform, minimum acceptable requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans sqap. Ieee 730 software quality assurance processes engineering360.
563 1283 299 939 841 1414 1411 82 745 469 26 732 1536 85 1315 1269 1204 1405 306 633 1207 115 550 509 881 565 628 904 752